The “Quick One” Rosary for Healing my Family
The creed … Our Father ….. 3 Hail Marys … Glory be …
Here, say words of forgiving everyone who ever hurt you in all your life …, if you haven’t done it before.
Also: In the Name of Jesus, separate yourself in spirit from anyone with whom you ever agreed on anything that is not of God, if you haven’t done it before.
At the 1 st Mystery:
Mention a short list of some of your family’s bondages that come to your mind …
The … Our Father …
On the 10 beads:
1. Heavenly Father forgive us for all the agreements we made with satan in my family through which he brought us those bondages ….
2. In the Name of Jesus, you satan, I cancel all those agreements we made with you in my family through which you know you brought us those bondages; and I command you to take them with you to the foot of the Cross of Jesus, and never come back!
3.Come Holy Spirit, put life in that place where satan was in my family.
4. No. 1 again
5. No. 2 again
6. No. 3 again
7. No. 1 again
8. No. 2 again
9. No. 3 again
10. Thank you Lord for healing my family
Glory be …
At the 2nd Mystery:
Add other family bondages of your family that come to your mind.
Then … Our Father …..…: as above.
Glory be ….
At 3rd mystery: etc …
Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe, You who crashes the head of the serpent (Gen 3:15), and You the woman of Apocalypse 12. You who evangelized the indigenous peoples of Mexico, and stopped the horrendous satanic practice of human sacrifice. You against whom the dragon of violence in my family and in my country is powerless.
I choose You today, and St. Joseph, and St Michael the Archangel, as protectors of my family and of my country.
Protect them against the loss of faith in God and in His Church.
Protect them against drought, hunger, earthquakes, fire, cyclones, hurricanes, storms, floods, and all other natural catastrophes.
Protect them against thieves, corruption, extortions, drugs and drug vendors, kidnappings, disappearances of people, human trafficking, and all organized crime. Protect them against domestic violence, rape, violence against the vulnerable and all social violence.
Protect them against war, against the violence of conscience, and against the violence of world powers.
Protect them against the killing of women and all homicides.
Protect them against abortions, suicides, euthanasia, and against all our self-destructive behavior.
Protect them against accidents, and against sudden and tragic deaths.
Protect them against plagues, viruses, cancer, AIDS, and all physical and spiritual disease, and help us know, and do, what we must do to be free from all family bondages. Protect them against gender ideology, and from all evil.
Unite the heart of the people of my family and of my country against all evil in our society. Obtain for us from the majesty of the Heavenly Father and His Most Holy Son, our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, peace in my family and in my country.
And on my part I promise you, with the grace of God, to serve the Kingdom of God here on earth, and His Holy Church till death!
We commit, at least:
Every Year:
· Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the home.
· Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
· Consecration to Our Lady / like of Guadalupe on Her feast day, (12 December), or any other favourite of yours, using the preparation of St. Louis de Montfort.
. Consecration to St. Joseph, using the consecration program of Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC.
. Consecration to St. Michael the Archangel on the 29 th of September, (at least with a novena ending on the feast).
. Pick a saint whom you will befriend each year and know more about, out of Our Lady, St.Joseph, and St. Michael the Archangel.. Obtain the two Plenary Indulgences of the Portiuncula (2nd August), and of the Divine Mercy Sunday. And during the year obtain some partial and plenary indulgences for your beloved dead.
. Pick a saint whom you will befriend each year and know more about, out of Our Lady, St.Joseph, and St. Michael the Archangel.
Every Month:
. 1 st Sunday of the month: Simple renewal of the consecration to St Michael the Archangel.
· 1 st Monday of the month: Paraliturgy for my family.
. 1 st Wednesday of the month: simple renewal of the consecration to St. Joseph.
· 1 st Friday of the month: Holy Mass + Holy Communion and; simple renewal of the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
· 1 st Saturday: Holy Mass + Holy Communion and; Renew the consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, (then spend 15 minutes in meditation on any one of the 20 mysteries of the Holy Rosary).
· 2 nd Monday of the month: Paraliturgy for my country.
· 3 rd Monday of the month: Paraliturgy for my family.
· 4 th Monday of the month: Paraliturgy for my country. · Confession:
· 2000 Hail Marys. (they begin with the Complete Rosary of 20 mysteries, and then proceed with the desired intentions every after 100, a total of 20 intentions).
· A Jericho March prayer.
Every Week:
· Holy Hour in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
· 3 times during the week: the Divine Mercy chaplet .
· The fast of Medjugorje (Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water only).
. The litany of St Joseph.
· The rosary to St Michael the Archangel.
. The long St Michael Prayer (only said in private, i.e. in the family or alone, but not in groups of families or people – see its guidelines in Quick One prayer booklet).
. The rosary of the Quick One prayer (see above).
· An act of charity.
Every day:
· The Holy Mass.
· 3 verses from the Bible, (not from the readings of the Mass of the day).
. Morning and Evening prayers, with Protection Prayer-1, after Morning prayers, and Protection Prayer-2, after Evening Prayers.
· The Holy Rosary.
· Any prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus, against insecurity (from any devotional booklet).
. Some “Quick Ones”, for my family, and also about the bondage of insecurity in my country.
· Supplication to Our Lady of Guadalupe for my family and country (see above). . A prayer to St. Joseph . The short St. Michael prayer.
· A prayer for peace. See if the Bishops of your country have made one for your country. If not, look for any one of your choice.
(To note that this is a minimum suggested not the maximum! The words “at least” can be added at the beginning of almost every single sentence on this plan. The maximum depends on one’s own faith and disposition. But our deal with Heaven is with these. However, beware of legalism and fanaticism. None of that is for Heaven!)