We are created by God in families, no one is naturally born without parents, without family. God created us attached to our families to ensure the best possible chances for our survival and be able to grow up and make it in life. He intended to bless us automatically through our natural families, that blessings infused by Him in them may simply go down our lines of descendants, and this is happening. However there is also something else happening: satan also discovered this plan of God to bless us for all through life, and he bugged the system by implanting sin into it. And so as blessings are being transmitted in your family, non-blessings too get transmitted. The Healing of families seminar will enable you to detect where this is happening in your particular family, and will show you how to deal effectively with it, pulling it out of your family for good!
To get started please download “The Four Sheets” you can use to prepare for “The Healing of Families” Seminar paraliturgy.
Click Here To Download.
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