May God’s grace bless your efforts as the Holy Spirit guides you in bringing Fr. Joseph’s grace filled family healing and deliverance prayer seminar to your parish and communities.
What steps are necessary to bring Fr. Joseph’s powerful seminar to our parish?
For those individuals and parishes wanting to host a Healing of Families seminar conducted by Fr. Ssemakula (Fr. Joseph), the first step is to consult with your parish priest and get his approval. Let him know that Fr. Joseph takes no stipends from parishes, his seminars are free. Have your parish priest contact Fr. Ssemakula via email inviting him to come to the parish. When that is done the necessary protocols between the two dioceses can be completed and a seminar date can be set.
What steps should be taken to promote and publicize the seminar?
In order to facilitate a successful seminar it is important to “get the word out” to as many individuals, families, and parishes as possible. Parish animators need to begin by talking, inviting, emailing, and making phone calls to alert parish members and the surrounding communities about this powerful, grace-filled seminar and the unique opportunity it presents for individual and familial healing and deliverance. Animators might want to consider enlisting the help of parish prayer groups to pray for the success of their seminar. Of most importance in initially promoting the seminar are weekly church announcements and bulletin inserts which highlight and stimulate interest in the seminar. Try to customize these to the "make-up" of your parish and community and be as "all inclusive" of everyone as possible. This is not just "family" healing, but a ministry which embraces individuals in every stage of life. Fr. Joseph sends you a page that will help you. It introduces the upcoming seminar to people who have never heard of “The Healing of Families” seminar. This page can also be printed as a separate sheet, along with a copy of the seminar schedule for people to take home. Changing the content of your notice in the parish bulletin every week will stimulate interest and build excitement in this wonderful opportunity for healing.
What other steps can be taken to promote the seminar?
If you have the ability, establishing a website to enable people to register online and to obtain schedule, lodging, and other pertinent information specific to your seminar is very effective. The website can answer many general questions for those seeking more information and it’s a convenient means of updating your registrants as needed.
More typically, many of the following methods are often utilized in publicizing the seminar. To begin advertising you can create a seminar poster with tear offs at the bottom listing your contact information and web address (if available) and deliver it to all local area churches. You may also want to post these at parishes in your surrounding communities. When delivering the posters, make a particular point of speaking to the office staff, and use the opportunity to give them a brief overview of Fr. Joseph's ministry while inviting them to visit his website. Also, ask if you might forward a notice about your upcoming seminar to them to publish in their Sunday bulletin and in their online website bulletin. Almost without exception, most will normally agree to do this.
A sample bulletin notice might read:
Fr. Yozefu- B. Ssemakula (Fr. Joseph) renowned author of the critically acclaimed book, "The Healing of Families" is coming to (church) on (date) to personally conduct a family healing prayer seminar. You won’t want to miss this life-changing opportunity as Fr.Joseph will be presenting a simple, effective, and powerful prayer method for freeing you and your family from things you have prayed about for a long time, without results, including health issues. Individuals, couples, and families will all benefit in this grace filled seminar as you learn to distinguish between the true Cross of Christ that we have to carry for our salvation, and the false Cross, which is a simple captivity and oppression of God’s children. The seminar will equip you with how to pray effectively to end recurrent problems in your personal and family life in a step-by-step prayer approach for deliverance. For more detailed information including registration, preparation, and the seminar schedule please visit www._____, or contact name and phone number. May the Holy Spirit lead you to join us for this powerful deliverance and family healing prayer seminar.
Interviews with local religious radio stations are a good way to advertise the seminar, and local area Catholic and diocesan publications and newspapers will often list the seminar in their upcoming events section. Posting seminar flyers at religious gift shops, bookstores, and coffee houses is also often effective in generating interest.
Setting up a display table in your narthex will visually remind parishioners to register for the seminar and provide them with additional information. Two weeks before the seminar consider having a speaker address the parish after each weekend Mass briefly explaining Fr. Joseph’s ministry and invite all parishioners and their families to register and attend this life-changing seminar. By this time many will have read the weekly parish bulletin announcements and will have some familiarity with the subject. Your parish priest may be willing to do this.
What is the best way to encourage seminar participation?
Fr. Joseph’s family healing seminar is based on the teaching, scripture, and prayers of his critically acclaimed book, “The Healing of Families”. To properly prepare for the seminar and to receive maximum benefits Father Joseph strongly recommends and encourages all participants to read and study his book before attending the seminar. Buying them online is too slow and expensive, so Father Joseph will send, you the animators, cases of books, so you can sell them to your seminar participants. Just let Father know the size of your parish, and expected number of attendees. Once his powerful and inspired book gets into people's hands word soon spreads about the need and efficacy of family healing and registrations begin to come in quickly. In the weeks leading up to the seminar, try to have Fr. Joseph’s book readily available for purchase at your seminar display table after each weekend Mass. Church office staff may also agree to have copies of the book available for purchase during parish office hours.
Briefly, what happens at a "Healing Of Families" seminar?
What is the cost to attend a Healing Of Families seminar?
What is the seminar time frame?
Will there be items available for purchase at the seminar?
Do animators need to provide for the seminar participants?
What accommodation and travel arrangements are needed for Fr. Joseph?
Will Father Ssemakula return to a location for additional seminars and follow-up?
What supplies/equipment does Fr. Joseph require?
Does Fr. Joseph bless sacramentals, oil, water, salt, etc during the seminar?
Are there any specific music, hymns, or prayers that Fr. would like at Mass, or before or after breaks?
During the seminar question and answer period, should participants write down their questions beforehand for Fr. Joseph?
Can seminar attendees schedule individual and private sessions with Fr. Joseph?
Does Fr. Joseph offer any further or advanced training options for those who are interested and might want to be facilitators of the HOF seminar?
We hope your planning goes well and that the grace and wisdom of the Holy Spirit will descend upon you as you endeavor to bring this powerful seminar to your parish.